There are various ways by which a beginner can gather information and knowledge about what orienteering clubs is all about. However, aside from the usual form of inquiries, it is more advisable to get oneself involve in the festival events and local orienteering meet. Details on how to get started are provided on the designated websites.
Some identified orienteering club can be considered a good start for the meantime for members and interested individuals on the virtual scale. They can also approach those groups or individuals who have already some experience with the sport and orienteering such as those that are related with Boy Scout and Girl Scouts. Primarily get the instructions and then meet the organizers personally before the meet to solicit ample time which in turn, prepares the instructors to provide the step-by-step guidelines before the event. This is one advantage over the orienteering club’s beginner info as it also offers opportunity to participate in the nationals.
In addition, new members can also get assistance using online reference regarding the previous orienteering festivals. Visiting the orienteering club’s website is one of the best things to do as it will provide the basic essentials regarding the sport as well as explain some terminologies which could possibly be encountered in the long run.
Mostly, the orienteering club’s website contain lots of information such as introduction to the sport and explanations regarding commonly used terminologies which is beneficial if learning about orienteering before the meet is part of the goal. Purchasing of books can also help in gathering information about orienteering task. Suggested books include those that were written by Ron Lowry and Ken Sidney which includes the Orienteering Skills and Strategies topic.
A book by Bjorn Kjellstrom entitled The Complete Orienteering handbook is a recommended book for those who wanted to have an advanced learning regarding orienteering whose focus is more on the use of map and compass.
In addition to books, two videos can also be of help particularly orienteering – All Welcome by Cassone and Trail Orienteering by Braggins & Pearson (has a section of foot-orienteering).